@OnTheWayOut: That is a very superficial way of seeing the movement. It's like saying GreenPeace is about for Peace for Nature when they really are a very militant activist group, borderline terrorist, with a very narrow agenda that isn't really about nature or peace. Or that ISIS is just about creating an independent Islamic state. Or Nazis are just a form of socialism. That's all true, the Nazi's and ISIS had a political platform that had 'good' aspects, for a very narrow group of beneficiaries, that sure, may have been oppressed at times, and at the cost of a great amount of others.
Sure some of the BLM platform is 'good' but the solutions they propose (riots, burning, changing language, destroy the police) is anything but. And that is a problem. The primary issue BLM has is that, unlike Dr. King in the 60s, there is no system that is inherently racist to stand up against so they invented one and then demand that everybody agrees and if anyone disagrees or goes against the heterodoxy they must be destroyed.
If you really believe the system is racist to the core, the US has a first and a second amendment, if you can't get your representatives voted in, perhaps that says something. If you still believe that you didn't get voted in because "rrrrrrrrrrracism" form a militia, get some weapons and start policing your own neighborhoods and declare your independence. Black Panthers tried that. It failed miserably as it turns out criminals are bad at policing. But you can try failed policy again.